OK, I have to mention it. Fucking Russia. Seriously? Invading Ukraine? Get fucked. You insane pack of fucking morons. I don’t blame the boots on the ground - the’re clearly being treated like mushrooms.
🇺🇦 > 🇷🇺. I only hope as many people as possible get out of this alive.
I’ve been poking around at this idea in my head for a while, so I started yaleman/memes-api - basically shove images in an S3 bucket and it’ll make a little memes-library. I’ve got my own version at memes.yaleman.org and it works pretty well. CloudFlare’s in front of it, so it caches all the things, significantly reducing bandwidth required for the task.
I finally installed the OLED screen on my portable sondetracker - it was a cheap SSD1306-based one, and worked fine straight up.

Tracker with an OLED
Using the plastic box it came with, I turned it into a case for the unit, with the antenna connector pointing forward. Whenever I figure out the design I want for my directional antenna, I’ll be mounting it on that 😊
Not much…? Work things.
Y’know the best way to start a weekend? Be scrolling through work Slack and your screen just stops working. After multiple reboots and a complete DFU firmware replacement, no bueno. I booked in a repair at the Apple store pretty quickly, and they replaced the screen under warranty/AppleCare+.
I’m sure I’ll still be reinstalling things in the coming weeks, not everything gets carried across in a phone replacement. Ugh.
Fought a lot with stupid IPv6 problems - NetworkManager on my Debian Buster machine was dropping and re-initialising the IPv6 address every time an RA was sent.. so in the default 2.5.2 pfSense config, that means every FIVE SECONDS. Identical machine running Ubuntu 20.04 LTS doesn’t have this problem.
I changed the minimum/maximum/lifetime of RA’s to 300/900/2700 seconds and well, things are less trash now.
Added some testing to yaleman/memes-api, so it’ll at least yell when it fails to build.
Added search, because I’d gotten to the point where I couldn’t pick the memes out by image.
Spent far too much oft he