JCal Pro All day problem fix.

It seems that on the “upcoming events” module of JCal Pro it shows “(All Day)” if you’ve got an all day item. It’s ugly and I was asked how to remove it. Here’s how to do it:

Edit modules/mod_jcalpro_latest.php

Comment out this line:

$returnstring .= ( $EXTCAL_CONFIG['show_times'] ) ? ' (' . $start_time . ( ($EXTCAL_CONFIG['show_times'] == 3 || $no_end_specified) ? '' : ' - ' . $end_time ) . ')' : '';

Replace it with:

if( $EXTCAL_CONFIG['show_times'] )
    if( $start_time != EXTCAL_TEXT_ALL_DAY )
        $returnstring .= ' (' . $start_time . ( ($EXTCAL_CONFIG['show_times'] == 3 || $no_end_specified) ? '' : ' - ' . $end_time ) . ')';

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