Easy SRI Hashes For Unpkg

Calculating Subresource Integrity Hashes is annoying with some things, and it took me a little searching to find how to do an integrity hash for unpkg, so here’s some info!

The package ref https://unpkg.com/nunjucks@3.2.4/ redirects to https://unpkg.com/nunjucks@3.2.4/browser/nunjucks.js

From this github issue, SRI data is available by prefixing _meta on the URL, and it comes back as a JSON blob:

$ curl -sL 'https://unpkg.com/_meta/nunjucks@3.2.4/browser/nunjucks.js' \
    | jq .
  "path": "/browser/nunjucks.js",
  "type": "file",
  "contentType": "application/javascript",
  "integrity": "sha384-ZyhcL7OTZmp/dXwM/EDo+Fm1L0W9jWuZhFvl9iu5O1T8fRCKDjQNZdwxBduOQ/w6",
  "lastModified": "Sat, 26 Oct 1985 08:15:00 GMT",
  "size": 220104

So you can get just the value with:

$ curl -sL 'https://unpkg.com/_meta/nunjucks@3.2.4/browser/nunjucks.js' \
    | jq -r .integrity


A slightly more convoluted jq example is to pull it from the base but filter based on the response, because it comes as nested JSON:

curl -sL 'https://unpkg.com/_meta/nunjucks@3.2.4/' | \
jq '.files[] | select(.path=="/browser") | .files[] | select(.path=="/browser/nunjucks.js")'
  "path": "/browser/nunjucks.js",
  "type": "file",
  "contentType": "application/javascript",
  "integrity": "sha384-ZyhcL7OTZmp/dXwM/EDo+Fm1L0W9jWuZhFvl9iu5O1T8fRCKDjQNZdwxBduOQ/w6",
  "lastModified": "Sat, 26 Oct 1985 08:15:00 GMT",
  "size": 220104

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