So, I posted this earlier today and got in the unsubscribing equivalent of a wiki-loop…

Today I unsubscribed from this EPIC list of sites. All I had to do was go through my email trash folder and click on a few links after all 🙂
- AliExpress
- Animi Causa Boutique
- Apple (seperate to iTunes?)
- Arbor Networks
- Big Day Out
- Book Depository
- Brews Brothers
- Brownells
- CatchOfTheDay (again)
- Co-Op Bookshop
- DealExtreme
- Driza-Bone
- EachBuyer
- Easy-Forex
- EB World
- Fishpond
- Flightaware
- GE Creditline
- Gelaskins
- GetGames
- HobbyKing
- iTunes
- Instructables
- J!nx
- JB Hifi
- Kickstarter
- Little Bird Electronics
- Lulu
- Mac App Store
- Menulog
- Newrelic
- NinjaKiwi
- Noodle Box
- OffTheGrid
- OZBargain
- Peters of Kensington
- Pizza Hut
- Pureman
- Queensland Holidays
- Quest Software
- Quirky
- RealVNC
- Reddit Gifts
- RS Components
- Ruger
- Sony Connect
- Spotify
- StudentVIP
- Sugarsync
- Texas Instruments
- The Mens Shop
- Thinkgeek
- Ticketek
- TomTom
- ToysEtc
- Urban Outfitters
- Vistaprint
- Warcom
- Wargaming / World of Tanks
I stayed on these lists only because they’re actually useful.
- Woolworths Everday Rewards - the discounts and bonuses are regularly useful to my normal spending.
- Cirque Club - The Cirque du Soleil emails are infrequent and lovely.
- Atlassian - They’re the cheapest smartest software company I know!
Here’s hoping the reduced email traffic will save me a few seconds a day and stop me from spending money where I don’t have to 😀
Update: Two minutes after posting, I got another marketing email from Pro Motorcycles which I also un-subbed from. Woo!