2010 Curious Kiwi Pinot Noir

I decided that since I’m approaching 30 years old, I should be able to order a bottle of wine and have a vague understanding of what I’ll get when it arrives.

My first choice was to go with Guzman y Gomez burritos - a 2010 Curious Kiwi Pinot Noir. RMB said either a Pinot Noir or a Rose, and I knew I didn’t want something as light and fruity as the Rose for my spicy dinner.

I’d heard good-ish things about New Zealand wines, and that Australian wines tend to be a bit punchy. $15 was a good price for a burrito wine, so it came hame with me.

I don’t know much about wine, but this tastes good to me! Fruity with a light tannin after taste, it’s definitely not sweet, just slightly dry. I like 🙂

That’s all from me for now, I’ve got the rest of this glass to drink!

#New Zealand #Pinot Noir #Wine Review