I sold a photo!

I got myself a stall at the Pyree Markets on Sunday, and framed some of my photos to try and sell some. I’d priced them rather low just in an attempt to try and sell them - only making about $10 off each one ($30 for a framed 8×10″ print isn’t bad people, cmon!)

As you may have guessed, I sold one! Right at the end of the day, after quite a few people walking past and looking at things then just wandering off, a guy walked up and bought a 6×8″ print of my Huskisson photo. It’d cost me about $8 to make, and he paid $15 - bastard asked if there was any discount for cash, geez - so it was on its way.

All in all I made a loss on the day, paying $30 for the stall and making $8 profit on the photo. Oh well, it was a learning experience, and if I hadn’t gone I wouldn’t have known 🙂

