I was wondering when I installed Rosetta 2 on my mac, here goes…
$ pkgutil --pkg-info com.apple.pkg.RosettaUpdateAuto
package-id: com.apple.pkg.RosettaUpdateAuto
volume: /
location: /
install-time: 1714615611
So the install time’s in seconds since the epoch, so let’s convert that to a human-readable date:
$ date -r "$(pkgutil --pkg-info com.apple.pkg.RosettaUpdateAuto \
| grep install-time \
| awk '{print $NF}')" \
Tadaaaaa! Realistically this is when it was last updated, but it’s a start.
I found the package details on: https://apple.stackexchange.com/questions/427970/how-to-tell-if-m1-mac-has-rosetta-installed