Unable to Run Search While Using map Command in Splunk

Sometimes errors are just a little too confusing for me on a Monday.

I was trying to run the following search:

| makeresults 1 
| eval cheese_id="12345", index="cheese" 
| map search="index=$index$ cheese_id=$cheese_id$ sourcetype=cheese_info"
| table cheese_id, name, description

And couldn’t work out why it was throwing the following error:

warn : Unable to run query index=cheese cheese_id=12345 sourcetype=cheese_info | table cheese_id, name, description.

Turns out that if I’d squinted a little harder at the example in the documentation, I’d have realised that I need to prepend searches with search. The UI does this automatically, but API things don’t.

So the command became:

| map search="search index=$index$ cheese_id=$cheese_id$ sourcetype=cheese_info"
| table cheese_id, name, description

#splunk #errors #map #spl