Quick solution for pausing network hogs on tethered OSX devices

As an Australian, we can’t get away from mobile data caps. It seems to be a bit of a recent issue with some people on the mainland too 🙂 Here’s a quick script I wrote to stop myself forgetting about things a while back.

Add this to your crontab (crontab -e from the terminal):

And put the following into a file (call it whatever you like, but the file path above must match it. Once you’ve made the file make sure to enable the execute bit by typing “chmod +x [filename]” in the terminal.

Ensure you put the name of the access point that you tether to after the = sign on the fourth line. I don’t know how it works with spaces and funny characters, but it should work OK.

The script will kill Dropbox and pause Backblaze if it’s available. It’s fairly simple but seems to work for me.

#Backblaze #Dropbox #Mobile Data #Network #OSX #scripting